Minggu, 25 September 2011

Info Korea

Kalau mau tau tentang drama atau movie Korea, bisa dilihat:
# allkoreandrama.com => semua terupdate di web ini
# mysoju.com => rating terupdate juga gak kalah banyak dengan film jepang-nya. =)

Sedangkan ingin mendownload-nya di :
# natnatvip-online.org => ini web termasuk web baru karena tidak banyak drama korea yang tersedia
# dramacrazy.net => mau cari korea apa saja, di sini tempatnya.. =)

Silahkan dicoba.. terima kasih.. ^_^

Asmaul Husna

Kata-kata Nasehat Ibnu Qayyim :

* Di dalam hati manusia ada kekusutan dan tidak akan terurai kecuali menerima kehendak Allah SWT.
* Di dalam hati manusia ada keganasan dan tidak akan hilang kecuali berjinak dengan dengan Allah SWT.
* Di dalam hati manusia ada kesedihan dan tidak akan hilang kecuali seronok mengenali Allah SWT
* Di dalam hati manusia ada kegelisahan dan tidak akan tenang damai kecuali berlindung, bertemu dan berjumpa denganNya
* Di dalam hati manusia ada penyesalan dan tidak akan padam kecuali redha dengan suruhan dan laranganNya serta qadha dan qadarNya serta kesenantiasaan sabar sehingga menemuiNya
* Di dalam hati manusia ada hajat dan tidak akan terbendung kecuali kecintaan kepadaNya dan bermohon kepadaNya.
* Kesentiasaan berzikir kepadaNya adalah keikhlasan sebenar kepadaNya. . . . . .
Andai dunia dan isinya diberikan kepada manusia masih tidak lagi dapat membendung hajat hati si hamba itu.

# Dari Abdullah bin ‘Amr r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Sampaikanlah pesanKu biarpun satu ayat…”
# Dari Abu Hurairah r.a. bahwa Nabi s.a.w bersabda:”Sesungguhnya Allah mempunyai 99 nama, iaitu 100 kurang satu. Siapa yang menghafalnya akan masuk syurga.” dari Sahih Bukhari.
1. Ar-Rahman - Maha Pemurah
2. Ar-Rahim - Maha Mengasihi
3. Al-Malik  - Maha Menguasai / Maharaja Teragung
4. Al-Quddus  - Maha Suci
5. Al-Salam  - Maha Selamat Sejahtera
6. Al-Mu’min  - Maha Melimpahkan Keamanan
7. Al-Muhaimin  - Maha Pengawal serta Pengawas
8. Al-Aziz  - Maha Berkuasa
9. Al-Jabbar - Maha Kuat / Menundukkan Segalanya
10. Al-Mutakabbir  - Melengkapi Segala kebesaranNya
11. Al-Khaliq  - Maha Pencipta
12. Al-Bari  - Maha Menjadikan
13. Al-Musawwir  - Maha Pembentuk
14. Al-Ghaffar  - Maha Pengampun
15. Al-Qahhar  - Maha Perkasa
16. Al-Wahhab  - Maha Penganugerah
17. Al-Razzaq  - Maha Pemberi Rezeki
18. Al-Fattah  - Maha Pembuka
19. Al-’Alim  - Maha Mengetahui
20. Al-Qabidh  - Maha Pengekang
21. Al-Basit  - Maha Melimpah Nikmat
22. Al-Khafidh  - Maha Perendah / Pengurang
23. Ar-Rafi’  - Maha Peninggi
24. Al-Mu’izz  - Maha Menghormati / Memuliakan
25. Al-Muzill  - Maha Menghina
26. As-Sami’  - Maha Mendengar
27. Al-Basir  - Maha Melihat
28. Al-Hakam  - Maha Mengadili
29. Al-’Adl  - Maha Adil
30. Al-Latif  - Maha Lembut serta Halus
31. Al-Khabir  - Maha Mengetahui
32. Al-Halim  - Maha Penyabar
33. Al-’Azim  - Maha Agung
34. Al-Ghafur  - Maha Pengampun
35. Asy-Syakur  - Maha Bersyukur
36. Al-’Aliy  - Maha Tinggi serta Mulia
37. Al-Kabir  - Maha Besar
38. Al-Hafiz  - Maha Memelihara
39. Al-Muqit  - Maha Menjaga
40. Al-Hasib  - Maha Penghitung
41. Al-Jalil  - Maha Besar serta Mulia
42. Al-Karim  - Maha Pemurah
43. Ar-Raqib  - Maha Waspada
44. Al-Mujib  - Maha Pengkabul
45. Al-Wasi’  - Maha Luas
46. Al-Hakim  - Maha Bijaksana
47. Al-Wadud  - Maha Penyayang
48. Al-Majid  - Maha Mulia
49. Al-Ba’ith  - Maha Membangkitkan Semula
50. Asy-Syahid  - Maha Menyaksikan
51. Al-Haqq  - Maha Benar
52. Al-Wakil  - Maha Pentadbir
53. Al-Qawiy  - Maha Kuat
54. Al-Matin  - Maha Teguh
55. Al-Waliy  - Maha Melindungi
56. Al-Hamid  - Maha Terpuji
57. Al-Muhsi  - Maha Penghitung
58. Al-Mubdi - Maha Pencipta dari Asal
59. Al-Mu’id  - Maha Mengembali dan Memulihkan
60. Al-Muhyi  - Maha Menghidupkan
61. Al-Mumit  - Maha Mematikan
62. Al-Hayy  - Maha Senantiasa Hidup
63. Al-Qayyum  - Maha Hidup serta Berdiri Sendiri
64. Al-Wajid  - Maha Penemu
65. Al-Majid  - Maha Mulia
66. Al-Wahid  - Maha Esa
67. Al-Ahad  - Maha Tunggal
68. As-Samad  - Menjadi Tumpuan
69. Al-Qadir  - Maha Berupaya
70. Al-Muqtadir  - Maha Berkuasa
71. Al-Muqaddim  - Maha Menyegera
72. Al-Mu’akhkhir  - Maha Penangguh
73. Al-Awwal  - Pertama
74. Al-Akhir  - Akhir
75. Az-Zahir  - Zahir
76. Al-Batin  - Batin
77. Al-Wali  - Wali / Yang Memerintah
78. Al-Muta’ali  - Maha Tinggi serta Mulia
79. Al-Barr  - banyak membuat kebajikan
80. At-Tawwab  - Menerima Taubat
81. Al-Muntaqim  - Menghukum Yang Bersalah
82. Al-’Afuw  - Maha Pengampun
83. Ar-Ra’uf   - Maha Pengasih serta Penyayang
84. Malik-ul-Mulk  - Pemilik Kedaulatan Yang Kekal
85. Dzul-Jalal-Wal-Ikram - Mempunyai Kebesaran dan Kemuliaan
86. Al-Muqsit  - Maha Saksama
87. Al-Jami’ - Maha Pengumpul
88. Al-Ghaniy  - Maha Kaya Dan Lengkap
89. Al-Mughni  - Maha Mengkayakan dan Memakmurkan
90. Al-Mani’  - Maha Pencegah
91. Al-Darr  - Mendatangkan Mudharat
92. Al-Nafi’  - Memberi Manfaat
93. Al-Nur  - Cahaya
94. Al-Hadi  - Memimpin dan Memberi Pertunjuk
95. Al-Badi’ - Maha Pencipta Yang Tiada BandinganNya
96. Al-Baqi  - Maha Kekal
97. Al-Warith  - Maha Mewarisi
98. Ar-Rasyid  - Memimpin Kepada Kebenaran
99. As-Sabur  - Maha Penyabar / Sabar

28-30 September 2011

Ingin menolong seseorang yang membutuhkan ??
Hadirilah serangkaian acara Dies Natalis ITS-Donor Darah 28 s/d 30 September 2011 pukul 09.00-15.00 WIB @ BAAK ITS by BEM FTI ITS..
Setetes Darah Anda akan menolong kehidupan Manusia di dunia ini.

Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Hmm.. Baru kali ini aku gunakan blog, yang sekian lama tak ku aktifkan..hehee
Salam jumpa dah para reader.. ^_^

Selasa, 06 September 2011

30 second to Mars - Alibi Lyrics (Chord)

Artist : 30 Second to Mars
Judul : Alibi Lyrics (Chord)


E - Asus4 - E - Asus4 - E - Asus4 - E - Asus4

E Asus4
No warning sign, no alibi
We faded faster than the speed of light
Took our chance, crashed and burned
No we'll never ever learn

I fell apart, but got back up again
E Asus4
And then I fell apart, but got back up again yeah

E - Asus4 - E - Asus4

E Asus4
We both could see, crystal clear
That the inevitable end was near
Made our choice, a trial by fire
Do battle is the only way we feel

I fell apart, but got back up again
E Asus4
And then I fell apart, but got back up again
C# B
And then I fell apart, but got back up again

Asus4 B
Oh Way Oh Oh Way Oh
E Asus4
Oh Way Oh Oh Way Oh
Asus4 B
Oh Way Oh Oh Way Oh

E - Asus4 - E - Asus4

E Asus4
So here we are, reaching out
The quickest tongue to divide and devour
Divide and devour
E Asus4
If I could end the quest for fire
For truth, for love, and my desire

C# B
And I fell apart, but got back up again

Asus4 B
Oh Way Oh Oh Way Oh
E Asus4
Oh Way Oh Oh Way Oh
Asus4 B
Oh Way Oh Oh Way Oh
E Asus4
Oh Way Oh Oh Way Oh
Asus4 E
Oh Way!!!

Asus4 E Asus4
I fell apart I fell apart
E Asus4 E Asus4
I fell apart I fell apart
C# B E
I fell apart but got back up again

30 second to Mars - A Modern Myth Lyrics (Chord)

Artist : 30 Second to Mars
Judul : A Modern Myth Lyrics (Chord)

Intro: Dm-Bb-Gm-Dm-Bb-C
Dm Bb
Did we create a modern myth
Did we imagine half of it
Dm Bb
Would happen in a thought from now

Save yourself
Save yourself

Bb C
The secret is out
Bb C
The secret is out

To buy the truth
And sell a lie
The last mistake before you die
Dm Bb
So don't forget to breathe tonight
Tonight's the last so say good-bye

Bb C [x4]
The secret is out [x4]


30 second to Mars - 100 Suns Lyrics (Chord)

Artist: 30 Seconds To Mars
Song: 100 Suns Lyrics (Chord)

Capo on 2

I believe in nothing
C# E
Not the end and not the start
I believe in nothing
C# F#m Abm
Not the earth and not the stars
I believe in nothing
C# E
Not the day and not the dark
I believe in nothing
C# F#m Abm
But the beating of our hearts
I believe in nothing
C# E
100 suns until we part
I believe in nothing
C# F#m Abm
Not in Satan, not in God
I believe in nothing
C# E
Not in peace and not in war
I believe in nothing
C# E
But the truth in who we are

30 second to Mars - King And Queen Lyrics (Chord)

Artist : 30 Second To Mars
Judul : King And Queen Lyrics (Chord)


Silence: Eb--C#- x2

Distortion: Eb-Fm-Ab--Eb-Fm-Ab-Bb-- x2
ohhh ohhh

Verse 1:
Into the night
Desperate and broken
The sound of a fight
C# Ab
Father has spoken

Chorus 1:
Eb Fm Ab
We were the kings and queens of promise
Eb Fm Ab Bb
We were the victims of ourselves
Eb Fm Ab
Maybe the children of a lesser God
Eb Fm Ab
Between Heaven and Hell
Bb Eb-- G#--
Heaven and Hell

Verse 2:
Into your lives
C# Ab
Hopeless and taken
We stole our new lives
C# Ab
Through blood and pain
Eb C# Ab
In defense of our dreams
Eb C# Ab
In defense of our dreams

Chorus 2:
Eb Fm Ab
We were the kings and queens of promise
Eb Fm Ab Bb
We were the victims of ourselves
Eb Fm Ab
Maybe the children of a lesser God
Eb(Bass Solo)
Between Heaven and Hell
Heaven and Hell


Synthesizer: G#--Fm--Eb--Gm--

Ab Fm Eb Gm
The age of man is o--ver
Ab Fm Eb
A darkness comes and all
Ab Fm
These lessons that
we learned here
Fm Ab Eb
Have only just begun

Chorus 3:
Eb Fm Ab
We were the kings and queens of promise
Eb Fm Ab Bb
We were the victims of ourselves
Eb Fm Ab
Maybe the children of a lesser God
Eb Fm Ab
Between Heaven and Hell

Chorus 4:
Bb Eb Fm Ab
We are the Kings
Eb Fm Ab
We are the Queens
Bb Eb Fm Ab
We are the Kings
Eb Fm Bb
We are the Queens

Outro: Children sings
Eb--(Repeat x4)

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Lifehouse - Everybody Is Someone Lyrocs (Chord)


D, D7, G, Gm (x2)

D D7

Stumbling I fall away it’s hard to make a change

G Gm

Easy to be who you are when no one knows your name

D D7

Walking past the lonely walls with eyes as cold as stone

G Gm

Climb inside the emptiness, it’s safe when you’re alone

C Gm C E

Oohh, oohh

Am D

Don’t be alarmed

G Dsus4 E

Don’t be afraid of what you are

Am D

Just look around

G F Am

Everybody is someone


Everybody is someone

D, D7, G, Gm


All this time you lived alone


Without a memory

G Gm

Built your life upon the ground that sinks beneath your feet

D D7

Step out the misery for once you feel alive

G Gm

Second chances only come around once in a life

C Gm C E

Oohh, oohh

Am D

Don’t be alarmed

G Dsus4 E

Don’t be afraid of what you are

Am D

Just turn around

G F Am

Everybody is someone


Everybody is someone

G Dsus4 F C

Aahh, aahh

G Dsus4 F E

Aahh, aahh

G Dsus4 F C D E

Aahh, aahh

Am D

Don’t be alarmed

G Dsus4 E

Don’t be afraid of what you are

Am D

Just turn around

G F Am

Everybody is someone


Everybody is someone

Am D

Don’t be alarmed

G Dsus4 E

Don’t be afraid of what you are

Am D

Just look around

G F Am

Everybody is someone


Everybody is someone

Ends in G

Lifehouse - Easier To Be Lyrics (Chord)

Artist : Lifehouse

Judul : Easier To Be Lyrics (Chord)

Intro: E5 -- B5 -- A5 (x4)

B5 Esus4

--Chasing fireflies

B5 Esus4

--Elusive dreams

B5 Esus4

--This pre life crisis


--Is killing me

C#5 F#5

--Beautiful tragedy

C#5 C5

--Who I was wasn't me

--Yeah yeah

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do You make it easier to be

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do Easier to be me

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do It's hard to believe

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do You make it easy...

B5 Esus4

--We speak in silence

B5 Esus4

--Words can't break

B5 Esus4

--It feels like we are

A5 C#5

--Falling awake

F#5 C#5

--In a place and a time


--Of our own

--Yeah yeah

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do You make it easier to be

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do Easier to be me

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do It's hard to believe

E5 B5 A5

Do do do do You make it easy...


It felt like the world


Fell from my feet


Gave up on myself


You didn't give up on me


Let myself go


You were still there


Like coming home


Coming up for air

Yeah yeah

Swalla (Feat. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign) Lyrics - Jason Derulo

[Nicki Minaj:] Drank Young Money [Jason Derulo:] Love in a thousand different flavors I wish that I could taste them all tonight No, I ain&#...